GSLC INSPIRE@४, 2024 - The Ultimate Edu Summit

GSLC INSPIRE@४, 2024 - The Ultimate Edu Summit


July 26 | 9AM - July 28 | 6PM

Resort Rio, Goa

11999 onwards

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Event Guide


English, Hindi, Hinglish

Invite your friends

and enjoy a shared experience


GSLC INSPIRE@४, 2024 - The Ultimate Edu Summit


July 26 | 9AM - July 28 | 6PM

Resort Rio, Goa

11999 onwards

Sorry, this show is already over but head here for other fun events!

Event Guide


English, Hindi, Hinglish

Invite your friends

and enjoy a shared experience

Event Guide


English, Hindi, Hinglish

Invite your friends

and enjoy a shared experience

About the Event

We are the Global School Leaders’ Consortium (GSLC), a worldwide community comprising over 13,000+ school leaders. Our mission is to foster idea synergy among schools globally, promoting excellence in education. Rooted in collaboration, GSLC emphasizes knowledge sharing and the exchange of best practices. Through cooperative learning and collaborative networking, GSLC highlights the importance of collective efforts in advancing education worldwide.

GSLC INSPIRE@४, 2024: The Ultimate Edu Summit

26 Jul 2024 | 12:00 PM IST Onwards | Resort Rio, Goa

Welcome to “Element Ed: Exploring the Hexad of Education”

A groundbreaking educational summit that delves into the six fundamental elements shaping the future of learning. Inspired by the ancient concept of Pancha Mahabhuta (five great elements), our theme introduces a sixth element to the equation, Swayam, representing the essence of human attributes essential for holistic growth.

1. Agni (Fire) - Agni ignites a passion for talent, career, and entrepreneurship in education. It encourages students to pursue their interests ardently, fostering innovation, creativity, and a drive for success.

2. Avani (Earth) - Education grounded in Avani emphasizes simple practices and sustainability. It encourages students to connect with nature, fostering environmental awareness and responsibility.

3. Vaayu (Air) - Vaayu represents the discipline in pedagogies and policies. It advocates for structured learning environments that promote focus, organization, and adherence to academic standards.

4. Udak (Water) - Being adaptive and strong like Udak involves embracing digital advancements and futuristic thinking. It prepares students to navigate technological changes with resilience and agility.

5. Akaasa (Space) - Akaasa promotes awareness and exploration of possibilities in education. It encourages students to think critically, explore diverse perspectives, and engage in experiential learning.

6. Swayam (Self) - Swayam celebrates individuality and explores human elements such as kindness, empathy, compassion, hope, and humility. It emphasizes the importance of personal growth, self-awareness, and social-emotional learning in education.

Overview of the Summit


Join us as we explore each element’s significance and relevance to all stakeholders, charting a course for transformative education that nurtures well-rounded individuals equipped to thrive in the ever-evolving world through discussions based on:


Sustainable Practices in Education: Implementing Eco-friendly Initiatives in Schools.

Integrating Environmental Education into the Curriculum: Promoting Awareness and Action.

Building Green Campuses: Strategies for Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Educational Institutions.

Effective Classroom Management Techniques: Fostering Discipline and Engagement.

Policy Frameworks for Quality Education: Ensuring Discipline and Accountability.

Implementing Evidence-Based Teaching Practices: Cultivating a Disciplined Learning Environment.

Igniting Passion in Education: Strategies for Inspiring Student Engagement and Motivation.

Empowering Student Entrepreneurship: Nurturing Innovation and Business Skills.

Career Counseling and Guidance: Channeling Passion into Purposeful Career Paths.

Digital Transformation in Education: Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Learning Experiences.

Future-ready Schools: Adapting Curriculum and Pedagogy for the Digital Age.

Building Resilience in Education: Strategies for Overcoming Challenges in the Digital Era.

Cultivating Creativity and Critical Thinking: Encouraging Exploration and Innovation in Education.

Promoting Global Awareness: Experiential Learning and Cultural Exchange Programs.

Career Exploration and Exposure: Providing Opportunities for Students to Explore Various Fields.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Education: Fostering Empathy and Resilience.

Building Positive School Culture: Promoting Kindness and Inclusivity.

Educator Well-Being: Supporting Teachers’ Mental Health and Professional Growth.

Nomination Guide

Participants can nominate in more than 1 category (conditions apply). Any entry that infringes any law, regulation, or voluntary or regulatory code of practice is not eligible. It is the responsibility of the entrant to withdraw such work.

Nominations are open from May 15th, 2024, up to June 30th, 2024, for all categories.



1. Pre-School with Innovative Pedagogy

2. Pre-School with Sustainable Ideology

3. Pre-School with Interactive Infrastructure

4. Pre-School with the Inclusive Curriculum

5. Balvatika with NEP Implementation


1. School with Inclusive Infrastructure

2. School with Sustainable Ideology

3. Comprehensive Tech-Enabled School

4. School with Educational Excellence

5. School with Effective CSR Activities

6. Promising Day-Boarding School

7. Promising Residential Boarding School

8. Faculty Development-Focused School

9. Exceptional Contribution to Sports

10. Exemplary Display of Inclusion and Diversity

11. Efficient Supporter School of the SDGs 2030

12. School with Safety Equipment and Drills

13. Promising School of the Year

14. Heritage School of the Year


1. Changemaker in Education of the Year

2. Outstanding Educationist of the Year

3. Promising Educationist of the Year

4. Special Needs Educationist of the Year

5. Innovative Curriculum Developer/Designer of the Year

6. Exceptional Mental Health Expert for Children of the Year

7. Edupreneur of the Year (Academics)

8. After-School Programme Provider of the Year

9. Career Counselor of the Year

10. Impactful Trainer of the Year


1. The Assessment Solution Provider of the Year

2. The School ERP Solution Provider of the Year

3. The STEM Solution Provider of the Year

4. The Academic Gaming Solution of the Year

5. The EdTech Based-Learning Solution Provider of the Year

6. The VR/AR Integrated Programme Provider of the Year

7. The Interactive Technology Provider of the Year

8. The Faculty Development Programme Provider of the Year

9. The Excursion/Field Trip Provider of the Year

10. The Payment Gateway Solution Provider

11. The Safety Solution Provider of the Year

12. The Sports Education Project of the Year

13. The Education Publisher of the Year

14. The School Uniform Manufacturer of the Year

15. The School Consultancy Services of the Year

16. The School Infrastructure Provider of the Year

17. The Publication of the Year

18. The Art-based Solutions Provider of the Year

19. Edupreneur of the Year (Tech-Based)

20. The Web-Based Classes Platform of the year

21. The Life Skills Service Provider of the Year

22. The Counseling Service Provider of the Year

Registration Categories, Fees, and Description

1. Non-Residential (3 Days): 11,999/- INR

Conference tickets for 3 days, all lunches and tickets to Gala night and social gatherings of the event, and complimentary award nominations in 1 category.

2. Residential (2N 3D) with Single Occupancy: 32,999/- INR

Accommodation, pick-up, and drop-off from the airport, all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) + wine & cheese, complimentary award nomination in 1 category, and a conference pass for all 3 days.

3. Residential (2N 3D) with Double Occupancy: 26,999/- INR

Accommodation, pick-up, and drop-off from the airport, all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) + wine & cheese, complimentary award nomination in 1 category, and a conference pass for all 3 days.

4. Residential (1N 2D) with Single Occupancy: 19,999/- INR

Accommodation, pick-up, and drop-off from the airport, all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) + wine & cheese, complimentary award nomination in 1 category, and a conference pass for all 2 days.

5. Residential (1N 2D) with Double Occupancy: 15,999/- INR

Accommodation, pick-up, and drop-off from the airport, all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) + wine & cheese, complimentary award nomination in 1 category, and a conference pass for all 2 days.

6. Non-Residential (3 Days for Goa School Leaders): 11,999/- INR

Conference tickets for 3 days, all lunches and tickets to Gala Night and social gatherings of the event, and complimentary award nominations in 1 category.

7. Corporate Non-Residential (3 Days): 58,999/- INR

Conference tickets for 3 days, all lunches and tickets to Gala night and social gatherings of the event, and complimentary award nominations in 1 category.


Please be aware that the costs indicated on our website only apply to GSLC INSPIRE Award nominations. It’s crucial to realize that paying for a nomination does not ensure that it will win. With over 500 award nominations submitted, only a select number will be picked as real honorees. After careful study, if our jury determines that a nomination is not eligible for an award, we will return the nomination money. Our selection procedure will always be fair and transparent.

We also want to make it clear that the nomination fees are required to support this endeavor. We incur a variety of fees, including those for the gala dinner, awards ceremony, prizes, and human resources. Your assistance with the nomination fee enables us to keep honoring and recognizing outstanding achievements in the field of education. We value your cooperation and understanding in our efforts.

Who is eligible to apply?

Any school, preschool, learning solution provider, individual, and edupreneurs or related service providers are eligible to apply.

What are the nomination charges?

There is no nomination fee for awards, as the awardees will be decided based on relevant criteria. There are only conference charges, including the delegate pass, stay, meals, and resources.

What are the evaluation criteria?

All submitted nominations will be evaluated for (as applicable):

1. Context

2. Impact

3. Presentation

4. Stakeholder Involvement

5. Documentability

6. Community Impact

~ Approximately 15-20 minutes are needed to complete and submit a submission.

~ In general, the criteria for people- and organization-focused awards are based on leadership evidence and impact on stakeholders.

~ Our selection committee reserves the right to make the ultimate decision on awardee selection.

What You’ll Achieve:

Global recognition within the academic sphere.

Attract a following of 50k social media enthusiasts and engage with 500k readers.

Earn the acknowledgment you deserve.

Stand out amidst the crowd.

Be prominently featured on the GSLC website and social media platforms.

Receive a distinguished certificate, and a prestigious trophy, and establish a lifelong bond with GSLC.


Terms and Conditions

(for GSLC INSPIRE Awards 2024)

1. The decisions of the judges, on all matters relating to the judging, including, but not limited to, qualifications and categories, are final and binding, and no correspondence will be entered into. This competition is based solely on skill and will be judged accordingly. No prizes will be awarded based on lot or chance. The GSLC INSPIRE Awards are not open to employees, vendors, or their immediate families.

2. Any entry that infringes on any law, regulation, or voluntary or regulatory codes of practice is not eligible. It is the responsibility of the entrant to withdraw such work.

3. Property of Entries: All materials that accompany or form part of an entry will become the sole property of GSLC. Accordingly, GSLC will not be obliged to return any items submitted and will further not be responsible for their loss, damage, or destruction. The entrant agrees hereto.

4. License: By submitting an entry the entrant hereby grants GSLC and its agents an irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive license, throughout the world, to publish and use the entry and all material submitted therewith, in any publication, advertisement, marketing, or promotional material (including television or radio station news or other programs related to Core Group), by any means GSLC chooses, including without limitation, print, electronic media and broadcast. The entrant also grants permission to GSLC to show, copy, or play the entry at such times as GSLC deems appropriate. GSLC reserves the right to make available for educational and reference purposes, including electronic publishing, any Entries, and all material submitted therewith. The entrant agrees hereto. If the entrant does not agree hereto, the entrant must notify GSLC immediately and withdraw its entry.

5. Warranties: By submitting an entry, the entrant warrants that it is entitled to grant the license referred to above and that it has obtained all necessary permissions, usage rights, and waivers of moral rights from all third parties who contributed to or commissioned the entry. The entrant also warrants that the credits and information in the entry are true and correct and that publication and use of those credits and information will not infringe any moral or other rights of the entrant or any third party. Further, the entrant warrants that the entry is the entrant’s original work, does not infringe on any copyright or other intellectual property right of any person, and may be used by GSLC as contemplated above.

6. Indemnity and Non-Liability: The entrant hereby agrees to indemnify GSLC and hold it harmless from any costs, expenses, or damages, including court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of the breach or alleged breach of the above representations and warranties.

7. Right to Withdraw and Change Entries: GSLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any entry, for good reason, or move any entry to an alternative category.

8. Law and domicile: This competition is governed by the laws of India. GSLC chooses as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process, notice, or other documents or communication of whatsoever nature, F21 Madhuvan Colony, Gandhinagar, Jaipur 302007judged

9. Audit: GSLC’s independent auditor will oversee and certify the conduct of the competition.

10. Judging: This competition will be judged by an independent, external panel of judges. The organizer maintains the right to choose the judges. Only shortlisted entries will be considered by the independent panel of judges.

11. Variation: GSLC may, at its sole discretion, change this agreement or any part thereof at any time without notice.

12. Awards notification and collection: Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony to be held at a venue, on a date, and at a time that will be notified to all entrants via email communication. Awards as specified by GSLC may not be exchanged for cash and are not transferable. Any winner who fails to attend the awards ceremony and collect their prize will be contacted by GSLC to arrange delivery of the Award & citation via courier. Successful entrants must be able to produce identification. An announcement will be sent to all finalists and winners in advance to help them plan their travel to the awards venue. Travel to the awards ceremony is the responsibility of the attendee.

In case of circumstances beyond the control of the organizers, you will be informed by email of the possible cancellation of the event, its postponement, or substantial modification. In such an eventuality, you are not entitled to a refund. We will provide you with a credit note for the purchase value, which may be used to avail yourself of GSLC services or products.

~ However, the organizers are not responsible for any additional costs, charges, or expenses incurred in case of cancellation, postponement, or modifications to the event. The Rules and Regulations of the venue, event organizer, or promoter for which the ticket was purchased must be adhered to.

~ Ticket holders consent to film, sound recording, and photography as members of the audience.

~ The customer accepts full responsibility for all contact information on their customer account and must ensure it is updated when necessary.


Resort Rio

Near, Baga Beach Tambudki, Arpora, Goa 403518, India

Terms & Conditions

GSLC INSPIRE@४, 2024 - The Ultimate Edu Summit


July 26 | 9AM - July 28 | 6PM

Resort Rio, Goa

11999 onwards

Sorry, this show is already over but head here for other fun events!

Event Guide


English, Hindi, Hinglish

Invite your friends

and enjoy a shared experience

11999 onwards

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