Online storytelling events, because we all need to know what happened next
Storytelling & Poetry
All this time at home and no more stories? Never. It's always a good time for a storytelling session. Tune-in; listen, learn, watch or perform with digital storytelling events on Paytm Insider.
Invite your friends
and enjoy a shared experience
If you enjoy a really good story, good news - because we have 10 for you this week. Or maybe more. Depends on how many you're up to participate in. Actually, this week's list looks pretty interesting. Just FYI - we've participated in 4 virtual storytelling sessions already in the past 5 days. Hoping to see you at the next one. Who knows, we might actually be hosting this one.
Take a look at what's happening this week
Find India’s favourite storytellers here, as they share their spectacular stories online this time. It’s been a while since we all came together to watch our beloved writers and poets on stage. Watch them at their online storytelling event from home. Oh, and yes we’re still all going to be snapping our fingers so keep your video on and join us at the performance.
All this time at home got us writing new stuff. If you too have written some new material, go ahead and tell your own story. As far as we know, there’s barely anyone that gets tired of listening to stories, and we can say this because we’ve watched The Jungle Book stopped-counting-long-back number of times. Point being if you've always wanted to share your tale, there's no better time like NOW.
6 years old or 60, our professional storytelling artists have stories for all. Enjoy an evening full of live storytelling sessions, online and from the comfort of your home. One thing we can tell you is that our younger friends have been loving these digital storytelling sessions. So come listen to these recitals and bring your friends, kids, aunties, uncles and everyone you know to enjoy a good ol' storytelling experience.
Once upon a time we used to start every story with this line, but thanks to online storytelling courses we've improved our skills. Sign up for a digital storytelling workshop and learn how to tell stories better. Keeping your audience hooked to every sentence is important and one must truly master the art of storytelling to ensure that happens. But it's not as difficult as we just made it sound. Plus, we've got a few talented storytellers who will guide your kid or you (if you're up for it) on how to tell a story that people remember for ages.