The Jokes on You!

The Jokes on You!


November 4 | 7PM

Cup Shup, Bengaluru

200 (Rs. 100 Cover Charge)

The Jokes on You!


November 4 | 7PM

Cup Shup, Bengaluru

200 (Rs. 100 Cover Charge)

About the Event

The Jokes on You is a roller-coaster ride filled with uproaring laughter and awkward silences. Vijeth VS & Harman Preet Singh will joke about things in their life, in the general society and most importantly – YOU.

Join in for a fun-filled evening at one of the most artistic places in the city.

It's a stand-up crowd work show.

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Vijeth Vs
Harman Preet Singh

Cup Shup

1189/C 1189/C, Sai Darshan Marg, 13th Main Rd, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560008

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Terms & Conditions

The Jokes on You!


November 4 | 7PM

Cup Shup, Bengaluru

200 (Rs. 100 Cover Charge)

200 (Rs. 100 Cover Charge)

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