Theatre Mode - Upload a video file and create an event on Paytm Insider
Use theatre mode to stream high quality video content that your audience will enjoy watching together.
Invite your friends
and enjoy a shared experience
As artists and creators alot of your time and effort goes behind writing, conceptualizing and producing interesting content to share with your audience. Theatre mode is built for artists and creators like yourself to share content you’ve created with an audience and have them pay to enjoy it without having to factor in limits on the number of viewers,audio and video quality, internet connectivity and the likes. Instead, create an enjoyable social watching experience online and take this a step further by adding pre-set engagement elements over your video stream, if the format calls for it.
Listing an event has never been easier! All you’ll need is a video file and access to our publisher dashboard to create a show. Upload your video content, setup a show and it will auto-stream at the set time and date allowing people to buy a ticket and enjoy the experience of watching it together.
It’s like creating your own digital multiplex which requires no intervention from your end.
What makes it so easy?
- Pre-record and charge for your content as you play it across time zones and dates.
- Focus on making great content that isn’t dependent on how well your internet connection works (just the audience’s).
- Offer your audience the best audio and video quality available through the use of 4K & VR video options.
- Be assured that your content is protected, we’ve accounted for the safe transfer and exhibition of it.
- Set up multiple shows within minutes through your publisher account.
Ready to Set Up Your First Show? Let’s Get Started!
Login to your publisher dashboard
Click on ‘Create Digital Event’
Add a creative and details that best describe your content
Select ‘Theatre Mode’
Create a show and click on ‘Add a New Video’
Upload your video file and make it shareable with ‘Anyone with the link’
Don’t forget to hit save! You can then go ahead and make the performance repeatable by creating multiple shows for a different date and time.
You are all set to sit back and work on your next piece of content!
What creators need to keep in mind?
- Sharing your Video File: When you upload the video on Google Drive set the video file to be shared with ‘Anyone with the link’
- Pre-set engagements: Ensure you add your engagement elements like polls, questions etc prior to the event. Your audience can use the comment section during the live stream to interact with each other.
- Pre-roll and post-roll: Include a 5 minute buffer before your video begins. This gives you the opportunity to add a short introduction and some guidelines for your audience before the performance begins. And if anyone is running a tad bit late they won’t miss the starting scene.
- Send out Reminders: Use the communication tab on your publisher dashboard to send a reminder message to your customers so that they join on time.
- E-Guide for customers: Ensure the overall customer experience is seamless by sharing this e-guide on how they can join your show.
Ready to get started?